Clean Out Your Computer Day
Originally sponsored by Institute for Business Technology and in existence since at least 2000, Clean Out Your Computer Day falls on the second Monday in February.
CCleaner for Windows – a dependable tune-up utility
Having a dependable tune up utility tool available when a computer stops working as quickly as it should can be extremely beneficial. Some people will purchase a utility for the first time when they start to notice some slowdown, but others like to be prepared for when the worst hits.
Catch PC Infections Your Antivirus Software Might Miss
iolo technologies has partnered with the FixMeStick®, a bootable USB device that quickly scans your computer for viruses and then removes them. Getting to work prior to Windows® startup allows the FixMeStick to catch those infections that your antivirus software might miss after the system has already booted.
Beyond Prevention—Find and Eradicate Hidden Malware
Malware is the umbrella term for any type of malicious software. They are highly sophisticated and can take many different shapes and forms. While antivirus and antispyware programs excel at preventing new infections, they often fail to fix already affected PCs.
How To Increase CPU Speed and Performance
Want to know how to increase CPU Speed for improved performance? We’ve got you covered! Discover the best tips on increasing clock speed now!
Faster Windows 10 PCs with System Mechanic
For over 2 decades, iolo technologies has been discovering ways to make your PC go faster, and System Mechanic® has won the PC Magazine Editors’ Choice award for best optimization software multiple times.
Automatically keep your PC running like new
Are you stuck in the “I’ll fix it when it breaks” PC maintenance and help desk cycle? With our patented ActiveCare® technology, System Mechanic Business can fully automate over 50 maintenance tasks, so you finally move into a proactive and preventative IT Support model.
A First Timer’s Manual for Setting Up Windows 8.1
Just got a new PC, complete with Windows 8.1? Setting up a new computer can be an exhilarating, yet daunting task. Here’s a quick rundown of the steps you should take to enhance your PC performance right out of the box.
A Better Internet for These At-Home Times
As we’re called upon to limit social contact, keep time at home more productive, fun and fulfilling with these tips for better broadband.
5 Tips on How to Make an Old Computer Faster
Want to learn how to make an old computer faster? Before you spend a fortune buying a new PC, try these 5 tips to get your old PC back up to speed!