Critical Things to Know Before Installing the New Windows 10 Update
Windows® 10 version 1903 is coming in May, and it is causing alarm because the new installation is literally doubling the footprint of the operating system. A firm release date has not been announced, but these are the critical items to remember before installation when it arrives.
5 Tips on How To Manage Passwords
Do you know how to manage passwords in a safe and secure way? Discover 5 effective tips to enhance your online security and password management.
4 Things Most People Don’t Know About Their PCs
Whether you mainly use your PC in a personal or in a professional context, you may discover a significant gap between how heavily you rely on your computer and how much you actually know about it. For example, did you know that the average smartphone operates with more processing power than all the computers in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander combined? While most users are (hopefully) not debating whether their smartphone can send them to the moon, this fact illustrates that computers are becoming more powerful and complex with each successive model and release.
System Mechanic® Performance Benchmarking
To show computer performance improvement using iolo’s System Mechanic software to repair and optimize Windows PCs.
Privacy Guardian Quick Start Guide
Privacy Guardian empêche les tentatives en ligne de récupération d’innombrables renseignements personnels reposant sur votre emplacement, votre historique de recherche, vos habitudes d’achat et bien plus.
The Secure Password and Credit Card Manager You Shouldn’t Be Without
In recent years many of the world’s largest companies have leaked users’ personal info, including Sony, Target, Home Depot, eBay, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
En la era de la conectividad constante, la privacidad online y la seguridad al navegar han dejado de ser algo que nos gustaría tener para convertirse en obligatorias. Los programas Anti-malware software protege su ordenador de dalos, pero hoy en día también es necesario que usted, personalmente, se proteja en internet.
Nell’era della connettività costante, la privacy online e la navigazione sicura non sono più soltanto delle belle cose da avere; sono necessarie. I software anti-malware salvaguardano il PC dai pericoli, ma oggi anche l’utente necessita di una protezione online che
Im Zeitalter permanenter Konnektivität sind der Schutz der Online-Privatsphäre und sicheres Surfen nicht mehr nur gut zu haben – sie sind einfach verpflichtend