Articles – up-to-date announcements from iolo


Nell’era della connettività costante, la privacy online e la navigazione sicura non sono più soltanto delle belle cose da avere; sono necessarie. I software anti-malware salvaguardano il PC dai pericoli, ma oggi anche l’utente necessita di una protezione online che


Im Zeitalter permanenter Konnektivität sind der Schutz der Online-Privatsphäre und sicheres Surfen nicht mehr nur gut zu haben – sie sind einfach verpflichtend

Les nombreuses façons dont vous êtes observé(e)

À l’ère de la connectivité permanente, la vie privée en ligne et la navigation sécurisée ne sont plus simplement souhaitables : elles sont obligatoires. Un logiciel anti-programme malveillant protège votre PC des dangers, mais vous avez également désormais besoin d’une protection pour vous, à titre personnel.


In dit tijdperk waarin iedereen continu verbonden is, zijn privacy op het internet en veilig internetgebruik niet slechts leuk, maar pure noodzaak. Anti-malwaresoftware beschermt je pc tegen schade. Vandaag de dag heb jij echter ook persoonlijke bescherming op het internet nodig.


De nombreux navigateurs web, dont Chrome, Firefox et Opera, requièrent l’utilisation d’extensions (également connues sous le nom de « composants additionnels ») pour permettre la compatibilité avec certains types de logiciels.


Chrome、Firefox、Operaなどの多くのウェブブラウザでは、特定の種類のソフトウェアに互換性を持たせるため、拡張機能(別名「アドオン」)を使用する必要があります。ブラウザ拡張機能は、ウェブブラウザに機能(この場合はオンラインプライバシーツールPrivacy Guardian


Molti browser Web (compresi Chrome, Firefox e Opera) richiedono l’uso di estensioni (anche note come “add-on”) per la compatibilità di certi tipi di software. Le estensioni del browser aggiungono funzionalità ai tuoi browser Web; in questo caso, si tratta dello strumento di privacy online Privacy Guardian


Viele Webbrowser – einschließlich Chrome, Firefox und Opera – erfordern die Verwendung von Erweiterungen (aka “add-ons”), um eine Kompatibilität mit bestimmten Arten von Software herzustellen.


De nombreux navigateurs web, dont Chrome, Firefox et Opera, requièrent l’utilisation d’extensions (également connues sous le nom de « composants additionnels ») pour permettre la compatibilité avec certains types de logiciels.


Veel webbrowsers – waaronder Chrome, Firefox en Opera – vereisen het gebruik van extensies (ook wel ‘add-ons’ of ‘uitbreidingen’ genoemd) voor bepaalde soorten software.

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includes 15 tools and features
System Mechanic Ultimate Defense Product Logo



Advanced cleaning and repair removes more unsafe
clutter and fixes more problems than ever before,
going to work whenever your PC is idle.

Internet Cleanup

Delete temporary internet files for better responsiveness

Windows Cleanup

Delete Windows junk files to unleash speed

Memory Mechanic

Free up memory for better performance


Optimize settings to speed up internet connections

Registry Cleanup

Find and repair registry files to improve performance

Security Optimizer

Detect and resolve Windows security issues

Program Accelerator

Detect and resolve Windows security issues


Startup Optimizer

Speed up Windows startup time

Network Scanner

View external devices and connections

File Incinerator

Remove and destroy deleted files

Advanced Uninstaller

Easily remove installed programs

Process Scanner

Find memory-intensive background tasks

Deceptive Programs

Find and remove harmful software


Prioritize speed and efficiency for the apps you use most

What is iolo's Whole Home License?

The Whole Home License® is iolo’s licensing policy that allows you to install and keep your software running on all of your compatible devices within the same home. Previously, users were allowed to install and license their iolo software simultaneously on a maximum of three PCs. Under the Whole Home License, a single activation key allows you to use your iolo software on all of your PCs, other than any PCs you use for business purposes. What you need to know about Whole Home Licensing

  • You, your spouse, and your relatives living within the same household may use the same license on any number of PCs that you own which are not used for business.
  • For full legal terms and conditions, see

To install your iolo product on additional PCs:

  1. On the additional computer, download the latest version of your iolo product. Choose from the list of downloads offered here.
  2. Follow the steps in the installation wizard, and enter the same Activation Key that you used to install on your original computer.

You can view the Activation Key on the original computer from within System Mechanic > red menu bar > key icon > Activation Key.