La ciencia detrás de System Mechanic: Tune-up Definitions™
Nos lo preguntan cada día los clientes extasiados que han hecho el cambio de otro producto: “¿Cómo puede System Mechanic encontrar más problemas,
A ciência por trás do System Mechanic: Tune-up Definitions™
Todos os dias, clientes maravilhados, que trocaram outro produto pelo nosso, nos perguntam: “Como o System Mechanic consegue encontrar mais problemas, eliminar mais erros e manter meu PC funcionando muito mais rápido do que os outros produtos que experimentei?
Limpadores de registro: enganação ou pau para toda obra PC?
Saiba por que seu PC pode de fato estar substancialmente mais lento se você se limita a limpar o registro.
¿Registry Cleaners: Cura todo o panacea para PC?
Aprenda por qué en realidad su computadora puede operar dramáticamente más lento si sólo limpia el registro.
Registry Cleaners: Snake Oil or PC Panacea?
Learn why your PC may actually run dramatically slower if you only clean the registry.
Protect Privacy with System Mechanic’s Privacy Cleaner™
The improved Privacy Cleaner tool uses US Department of Defense techniques to securely wipe away the tracks left behind as you use your PC
Liberate Memory Held Captive by Greedy Programs
Computer memory can become just as fragmented as a hard drive, but much faster and with more immediate effects.
Get in the game with EnergyBooster™
Now you can, with EnergyBooster™, a revolutionary tool in System Mechanic that puts your PC in overdrive.
Securely Delete Files with the Incinerator®
Computers are convenient tools for storing all sorts of personal pictures, documents, and files. Gone are the days when entire rooms of our home or office were relegated to physical file storage.
Computer Stress: Coping with Technology
You know that feeling when you need to send an email, but your online service locks up? Or you’re putting the final touches on a document you’ve slaved over and the computer mysteriously crashes?