DriveAccelerator™ puts your PC into high gear
System Mechanic’s enhanced disk defragmenter re-aligns hard drive files to recharge PC speed and performance
The Symptoms:
Over time, you’ve noticed that your PC’s overall speed and responsiveness have slowed, and files and programs take longer to open or launch. You may actually hear your computer tick and buzz as the hard drive struggles to launch programs or open large files. Even if you regularly run disk defragmentation tools on your computer, you find that programs still take a while to launch—and when they finally start up, they run slowly.
Root Cause:
You may have fragmented system files on your hard drive. Fragmentation occurs when individual files get split up and stored in different parts of the hard drive. This causes your PC to slow down, because the hard drive head has to search for the scattered parts of the file every time you want to open or edit the file. This slowdown becomes even more pronounced when important Windows system files—like the registry hives and main pagefile—become fragmented.
For years, disk defrag tools have been one of the most effective and popular ways to deal with the problem of file fragmentation, but on a modern system, they can actually make things worse. Running a disk defragmenter on a regular schedule can exacerbate the problem of program misalignment, which is what happens when the many files that make up a single program get separated from one another during the defragmenting process.
The Cure:
System Mechanic’s DriveAccelerator™ uses proprietary technology to defragment system files during Windows boot-time, when critical system files are still “unlocked” and can still be optimized. What’s more, DriveAccelerator has been re-engineered to work together with System Mechanic’s new, patent-pending Program Accelerator™ tool to ensure that program files remain aligned during the defragmentation process. The result is a first-of-its-kind defragmentation tool that provides a significant boost to overall system and program performance.
How it works:
PC experts have known for a long time that one of the best ways to get a computer re-organized and running faster is to run a disk defragmenter. This is because the information stored in your PC’s files have a tendency to drift apart (becoming “fragmented”) as a side effect of everyday use. These file fragments get scattered and stored in different places on the hard drive, and as a result your computer has to work harder to find and collect the information it needs to run or edit your files. As you might imagine, all of this extra work only serves to slow down your PC.
A defragmenting tool places these file fragments together in contiguous order to make your PC’s work a little easier: by putting the files close together on the drive, it saves your PC the energy and resources it spends hunting for far-flung files—resources that your machine can then put towards helping your programs run faster instead.
Windows system files can get defragmented just like other program files do, but most disk defragmenting tools that run in Windows can’t get at these files because they’re always in use and locked when Windows is on. DriveAccelerator solves this problem by defragmenting system files before Windows starts up, so that your PC can access these critical files in a snap.