AI (artificial intelligence) has the potential to greatly enhance so many aspects of daily life, and improving cyber security is no exception. So many are concerned with the ways in which AI might pose a threat, they’re failing to see the potential for innovative security solutions it can provide. After all, we’re still the ones telling the machines what to do (for now).
There are many ways in which we can use the benefits of AI in cyber security, from predicting threats before they happen to providing rapid, automated responses to incidents as they occur. This blog aims to broaden your understanding of basic AI-powered technology and introduce you to the key components of AI-powered threat detection, and the techniques used to keep your system safe.
The Basics of AI-Influenced Technology
What is AI?
If technology is leveraging AI, it’s finding ways for AI to alleviate the strain of some of the tasks that would typically require human intervention, but with a computer’s processing power and accuracy. This may include problem solving, language understanding, and pattern recognition. AI systems are designed to adapt and improve over time based on the information being fed to them, making them well-suited for dynamic and complex environments such as cyber security.AI in Computer Security
While cyberattacks may seem random, there are ways they can be predicted, intercepted and prevented. One of the main benefits of AI in cyber security is the way in which it can evolve to keep up with the latest threats, and process vast amounts of data in the blink of an eye.AI-Powered Threat Detection
How can AI detect threats? By processing information about previous threats and creating algorith that can identify similar threats in the future. There are certain calling cards for suspicious activity that AI can pick up on far more reliably than people can. AI can enhance the filters used to scan emails and messages and improve the chances of detecting malicious intent before it even reaches your inbox. A lot of modern software already uses AI every day; but since AI has become something of a buzzword, people are keen to push the boundaries of what it can do.Behavioral Analysis
Cyber criminals may seem like faceless robots hidden in the dark corners of the internet, but people are the ones behind these crimes – and people exhibit behaviors that can be tracked and analyzed. By monitoring the typical behavior of internet users, AI can help to identify deviations that might indicate a security threat. This means suspicious activity such as an unusual spike in financial transactions can be flagged quickly, potentially preventing cyber crime before it even occurs. Behavioral analysis benefits extend beyond the realms of AI cybersecurity. It can give developers a better understanding of user behavior, highlighting their wants, needs, and any potential blockers. This information can then be used to optimize system performance and enhance user experiences.Anomaly Detection
Like behavioral analysis, anomaly detection revolves around identifying unusual patterns, but usually in reference to data. AI algorithms can sift through massive amounts of data to pinpoint anomalies that might indicate there has been a breach, or the presence of a virus. For example, if a server that is normally quiet starts to generate a huge amount of traffic, AI can flag this as an anomaly and trigger an investigation. Even if there ultimately ends up being nothing suspicious about the situation, this proactive approach helps to mitigate risks before they escalate into destructive incidents.Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics involves using past data to predict future events. In terms of AI cyber security this may mean:- Forecasting future risks and vulnerabilities based on current trends.
- Prioritizing security patches and updates based on the likelihood of attack.
- Recognizing patterns in behavior or data that precede attacks and breaches.